T-Shirt Niche Ideas

White tshirt with LEVEL UP Motif

Just for a bit of inspiration here are some top niche ideas for t-shirt designers to serve. From some of the classics to some micro-niches we hope you’ll find something interesting. We think it’s ideal if you have an affinity with or share the passion of your potential t-shirt buyer.

Interested in selling your designs on T-Shirt.uk? – find out more here!

1) NHS Workers – Nurses love helping others, tapping into this mindset can really bring big sales. As the NHS is Britain’s biggest employer there is a large market for these designs.

2) Body Builders – So much commitment goes into weightlifting and body builder, it’s very much a lifestyle choice and therefore people are happy to pay for a t-shirt that helps them identify with their values.

3) Pokemon Players – More of an example as to the types of trends that can “go viral” and all of a sudden new tribes are formed.

4) Anglers – The fishing niche is full of people who really enjoy this activity and spend a lot of time, money and effort on it.

5) Owners of selected dog breeds – If you have a pet you’ll know how much people love their pets. Niche down to a particular dog breed and you’ll find people will identify so much with it they will be happy to buy a fitting design.

6) Sports fans – The pride and passion that goes into being a sports fan means it’s an “easy sell” when it comes to marketing t-shirts to fans of a particular sports club or type of sport.

…..More coming soon.

Interested in selling your designs on T-Shirt.uk? – find out more here!